The animatic is finished and has been shipped off, and work has already begun on background planning and music! I've also finished skim-watching the rigging course, and I'm ready to go.
First off, there's work on Rose, and that's going to be...a lot. New cephalothorax mesh, new method for hair, a completely new approach for her eyes, an entirely different rig altogether...the to-do list for Rose has been steadily building, and it's finally time to confront it.
All in all, the work on Rose alone will probably take a week or more, though I've already made a lot of small fixes (for instance, she's now slightly bigger, as she should have been all along--but that's a lore fix, not a tech fix). The hair stuff I'll try to get done over the weekend--right now, I'm just testing lots of possible approaches.
Blender giveth, and Blender taketh away. Blender has destroyed one of my main rigging methods...however, it has also finally caught up to my vision, and I can now do 90s Disney-style soft shading in realtime!
After that, Sophodra also has a lot that needs fixing, though not nearly as much. Lots of fixes for the hivers, a whole lot of fixes for Vera (not nearly as many as Rose, but the fixes do involve rigging, weight painting, and texturing...). And that's not counting all the bug models. At least I'm getting help with assets! It's probably going to take more than a month before I can start on staging, though. Still, holding out for an April release. Until next time!